Saturday, November 13, 2010

A Hairy Experience..Waxing

My eyes are swollen and puffy, not a normal reaction to waxing eyebrows but it happened. A good eye waxing gives eyebrows a great arch and something I "treat myself" to every three months. The pain is tolerable, and for ten bucks, it's worth it.

Actually, what I'm talking about is a whole different kind of waxing..brutal is the only term that comes to mind. Okay, so now you're raising an eyebrow and thinking..hmmm IS SHE NUTS?? Why would anybody pay to be "beat up" on purpose?

Yep, I'm talking about a bikini wax.

I've actually never had this done before, but I've certainly skimmed a few articles in Cosmo. Reports are that the results last a long time and, when done professionally, looks good too. I don't know...jury's still out on this one.

My opinion? This totally hurt!!! Painful and brutal and somewhat humiliating. I mean, please, we're talking about little hairs being ripped out of a very sensitive area. The wax is hot... and I do mean hot! Well, in truth, if the wax is not hot enough there is apparently less adherence to the skin, meaning a second (ouch!) application.

Immediately very red and painful afterward and definitely not very attractive, but within six hours or so it should go away (you think?)

If you've never had this done are a few helpful hints:

1. Definitely go somewhere on a referral ...make sure it is a reputable place. A spa, for instance, will definitely want you to return and make the experience more...tolerable.

2. Take an Advil or two or three about an hour before if you can take Advil.

3. Remember Lamaze classes? Use breathing techniques....find a focal point and focus. Breathe in and out...I'd bring my teddy-bear to squeeze or borrow one of my kid's "blankies" for moral support.

4. Expect pain...I mean let's be's gonna hurt. So bear in mind some motto like "no pain, no gain". It is bearable and short-lived. Childbirth hurts more, well maybe.

5. Better reschedule the hot tub or swimming pool for at least 24 hours later..give yourself a chance to recover without adding chlorine.'s my hairy experience..jury's still out on whether it's better to be hairy or hairless.. I probably wouldn't do it again, Nair is on sale at Walmart off season for about five bucks or so.

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